Today, most of the couples seek assistance from famous sexologist doctors in Kolkata due to infertility. Not just females, males can also become infertile and one of the main reasons behind this is tobacco smoking.

 Sperms get damaged by smoking as they most likely fail to fertilise eggs. A survey was conducted to gauge the adverse effects of smoking on both the non-smokers and smokers. The results showed that non-smokers are more fertile than smokers.

Have you ever thought “Will smoking affect my sperm count?” It’s important to make note that – Yes! It can. It can significantly impact your fertility in a negative way. We already have the information that smoking is injurious to health. Most often we hear that it does more damage to female fertility. But the truth is that males are equally affected as well, as per the best sexologist in Kolkata.

 To make a baby, two of you must contribute. As a future father, there are many things you can do. Moreover, you must assist your better half to deliver a healthy baby.

The toxins present in tobacco not just negatively affects your lungs but also your overall health including the quality of your sperm.

There Is a THREAT Involved with Growing Marijuana Use!

With more and more cannabis legalisation success, particularly medical marijuana, researchers are striving to know more about its impacts on human health. One of the most common research projects right now is on the impacts of marijuana on fertility.

Smoking and infertility in men

If you are a heavy smoker, your male fertility is going to hamper. Couples who are planning to conceive and having unprotected sex every 2 to 3 days, are going to get pregnant in a year.

But when it comes to chain smokers, they will most likely fail to produce healthy sperms as the ability to do so gets reduced to nearly half every month. Wondering how smoking can damage sperm?

  • Reduces the semen quality
  • Reduces the sperm count in the semen
  • Impact your sperm’s typical swimming patterns
  • Cause sexual impotence in men
  • Causes premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction

All these impacts are proven – says the best sexologist doctor in Kolkata. Most males suffering from infertility are chain smokers.

Will my partner’s health recover if he/she stops smoking?

Luckily, there is good news. Stopping smoking is going to heal some of the damage.

  • If you quit smoking, your sperm quality and count is going to improve. It will also reduce the risk associated with impotence over a specific period of time.

As females conceive babies, you can find enough information on their health and well-being. But, when it comes to a healthy pregnancy, healthy men are equally important, as per the top sexologists.

Smoking causes impotence, hormonal imbalances and reduces sperm quality significantly.

Here’s how tobacco smoking negatively impacts the chances of pregnancy

  • Sperm volume and seminal fluid – Tobacco contains a chemical that reduces the volume of sperm as well as the components of the seminal fluid that provide protection. Sperm cells therefore have a lower chance of surviving.
  • Sperm size and shape – Smoking significantly alters sperm cell size and shape, leading to eventual structural problems.
  • Sperm DNA – Men who smoke appear to have more DNA fragmentation, which is frequently linked to male infertility and embryo development.

Hope remains; it’s not too late. Do you smoke and are you having trouble making family plans? The good news is that, with the right guidance from the best sexologist in Kolkata, the negative effects of smoking are easily reversed.